
Showing posts from May, 2020

Evde Kal (Stay at Home)

The kid's first assignment when schools closed was to paint a rainbow with the message "evde kal" (stay at home) to encourage children to be safe inside and hope for a beautiful future. We join with the world in global solidarity by staying at home! As I talk with friends and family in America I am amazed at how similar our experiences have been. Homeschooling, wearing masks, navigating a new rhythm of life that looks fairly confined by the walls of our house, and praying for those we know who have come in contact with Covid-19. From our perspective, Turkey has done a fantastic job under the circumstances of putting preventative measures in place to keep the numbers of those affected at a minimum. With the burgeoning of Spring around us, it has been hard to stay at home so we look forward to life outside opening up a bit more in the next few weeks and hope, along with all of you, that this pandemic will pass.