
Showing posts from August, 2017

Yaz Tatil (Summer Break)

Family photo after Hudson's end or the year program for preschool. Our family is enjoying our summer break. As always, the limbo between school years has a brief adjustment period as we figure out our new rhythm. The days have become full with sports lessons, bike-riding, hide-and-seek with neighborhood friends, visits from Grandpa and Grandma, and a bit of travel. Lincoln is working hard at reading and writing in English, before he plunges into first grade at Turkish public school. He relishes riding bikes and getting popsicles with Grandpa and his siblings. Hudson is going to continue pre-school when the summer time ends. He loves to go to swimming lessons with his brother, and relaxing in the evening by watching Paw Patrol. Sofia is growing out of babyhood and becoming quite the talking, singing, smiling, twirling, sparkling little girl. She runs just as much as her big brothers but loves being girly with bracelets and headbands.