Mısır Labirenti (Corn Maze)

A quarter of the school year has passed. Leaves on trees are sparse. Experiencing a corn maze for the first time was thrilling (we ran through it twice!). We are all excited about moving into the holiday season, and this year being so close to family makes it extra special. We even got to join in the fun of our nephew's Halloween-costume-birthday party! The kids miss Turkey and the pet guinae pigs we left behind, but are enjoying life in our home country.

In school Lincoln struggles with typing and spelling, but loves math and is having a great time exploring new books in his school library. Almost every day he plays "American football" with his friends at recess.

Hudson is also having a hard time with the literary aspects of school, but loves the new things his teacher is teaching him, like the ABC's in sign language and how to count to 100 in Spanish. He has a best friend at school and they spend recess playing a game they invented called "Robots Destroy."

Sofia is really getting into her ABC's. She likes trying out big words like "preposterous" and sitting on her "wiggle chair" in Kindergarten. She didn't love soccer practice as much as her brothers did but did made a goal in her last game.

Rebecca struggles with consistently forcing the kids to practice spelling and typing. Meanwhile, she been sharpening her Turkish skills as she continues the Master's program she started in Isparta last year. She recently discovered the glory of electric blankets.

Phillip is getting a kick out of calling his parent's pet dog the long-lost twin of his sister (apparently teasing siblings never goes out of style), adjusting to gluten-free life and excelling in his first Master's class.